Frequently Asked Questions

Are you a Christian studio? Prelude is a non-denominational Christian studio. We consider dance to be a form of worship and communion with our Savior, Christ Jesus. We strive to honor and serve our students as Christ honored and served others while on earth. It is our privilege to welcome students of all belief systems into our classes.

How early do I need to arrive before class? On the first day, you will need to arrive 15 minutes prior to class to fill out the necessary paperwork. Tuition and the $30 registration fee will also be due at this time for those who have not already paid online. Students will not be allowed to take class without the completion of paperwork and payments.

What do I need to know about class conduct? We require that all of our students show the utmost respect for themselves, teachers, and classmates. Students will not talk in class unless they have a question relating to class material, or need to inform the instructor of injuries, illness, etc. Chewing gum, jewelry, toys, and other accessories are not allowed in class for safety purposes. Instructors will outline additional rules on the first day of class.

Is there a yearly performance? Prelude Conservatory holds an annual recital at the end of the school year. Each class learns choreography, as well as the fundamentals of performance and backstage etiquette. Participation is encouraged but not required. Costume and ticket fees apply for those taking part in the recital.

What should my child wear to class? If your child is trying out a class for the first time, play clothes are fine for them to wear if you do not have dance clothes. After the first week your child should wear a black leotard, pink tights, and pink ballet shoes. Hair should be pulled back away from the face in a tidy bun. Students may wear a black or pink dance skirt of their choice; however, instructors may ask students to remove skirts at any time to fully view muscle engagement. Jewelry and accessories are not allowed in class.

Where do I purchase dance clothes? Dance clothes can be purchased in-store or on our website. We sell all attire and shoes needed for classes. If you would like to order through Prelude, please note that orders may take up to two weeks to arrive.